write for us


We, at The Policy Observer, welcome unsolicited articles, blog posts, and other forms of content. If you are interested in writing for us, please write to us at, Editor.thepolicyobserver@gmail.com.

What we need

  • Legal analysis of judgment and court orders. 
  • Pieces on political and current events from a legal or rights-based perspective.
  • Analysis of contemporary legal or policy issues. 
  • Movie/TV Show/book reviews – ideally related to legal or rights-based issues.
  • Poetry, art, and visual work.

Guidelines for submission-:

  1. There is no deadline – you can send pitches/articles/poems throughout the year. However, pieces related to current affairs and unfolding events should be sent within a reasonable time frame to ensure that they are not rendered infructuous due to the passage of time.
  2. Send only original, unpublished works. Please do not send pieces that you have previously published or have submitted for publishing elsewhere.
  3. Make sure that the submission does not contain any incorrect information. Double-check, and provide sources for, all facts and data you cite.
  4. Share a one-line bio of yourself at the end of your article, and mention your Twitter handle in it if you so desire (kindly refer to existing articles on the website).
  5. All submissions are to be sent in Word format only. Please do not submit in PDF format.
  6. The Policy Observer has a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. If your submission is found to be plagiarized, you will be permanently barred from publishing with us.
  7. All entries must be accompanied by an undertaking that the piece has not been submitted to any other journal, magazine, newspaper, or digital platform for publication in any other form.
  8. Please attach a high-resolution photograph of the author.
  9. Due to the large volume of submissions we receive, we will contact you only if we can accept your piece. If you do not hear from us within six business days, please feel free to submit your article to other publications.
  10.  The editor’s word is final.


Word Count:

  • Short Analysis: Recommended word limit of 1000 – 1500 words. 
  • Long-form/Explainers: Recommended word limit of 1500 – 2500 words. 

Headlines/titles: Headlines and titles must be crisp. They have to be tightly written, and not just any sentence. They must capsulize what the story/article is about.

Introductions: If you are writing a feature, it is good to do a very short intro about the story before you do the actual intro. This can carry your byline. The intro must be in italics, and your name, in capitals, must be in bold and not italicized.

All references must be hyperlinked in the body of the text. In case no online source is available, in-text citations may be used.

The Policy Observer reserves the right to edit the articles submitted to it to meet the requirements of our writing style and quality standards.